Monday, July 25, 2011

6 Ways to Reach Your Neighbors for Christ

It is always hard thinking of ways to share your faith with your neighbors and it seems my neighbors have typically been the group of people I have been least effective at reaching out to. I want to be more intentional about sharing with them and thought I'd share a few ideas I'll be trying soon, with you. I hope you get a chance to try some of these as well. Here are 6 ways you can share your faith with your neighbors. 

1. Host a pot luck or BBQ and invite the neighbors over. Play christian music in the background (KLOVE is a good choice) and be intentional about working through the sound barriers

2. Invite your neighbors to enjoy something special you have that they may not. You might invite them to watch a big game on your big screen TV, swim in your pool, let their kids play in your back yard or borrow your tools. The main idea is to use what God has given you to bless them and then be intentional about sharing the Good News with them as well. We were just given a hot tub and can't wait to invite neighbors over to sit in the hot tub with us!!!

3. Pray for a need they have. Whether it is a health problem, a financial need or whatever, ask your neighbors if you can pray for them. This will open up an obvious opportunity to share with them. 

4. Help them with a need they have. You could water or mow their yard, shovel their snow, help them cover a bill, give them a ride or find any number of ways to serve them, opening a door to share with them too. Get more servant evangelism ideas here

5. Give them a Christ centered gift (for Christmas, birthdays or just for fun). Books are a good ideaGet more ideas on gifts by clicking here. 

6. Invite them to church. Inviting your neighbors to church will bring up a conversation about Christ regardless of whether or not they come, and maybe they will! Here are some ideas on inviting friends to church

Well, those are just 6 ways to share Christ with your neighbors. Have you tried these? If so, what happened? Do you have other ideas? If so, please share them with us. I hope these ideas encourage you to reach the sphere of influence called your neighborhood that God has strategically placed you in! Have a great time sharing your faith this week!

1 comment:

  1. This is great!!! Thanks...I hope to try them! God bless~
