Welcome to The "God Solution" where we discuss answers to humanity's questions about God and God's answers for Humanity's questions. I really hope you enjoy the show. Please tune in every Sunday at 8:30 am on 91.9 or 93.9 FM here in Durango or listen online at kdur.org.
If you don't yet know Jesus personally, please click here to hear His words to you. If you'd like to talk more about Jesus please e-mail me at neherbst@hotmail.com.
If you like the show please let the wonderful folks at KDUR know by emailing them at kdur_pd@fortlewis.edu.
Get our God Solution Interviews in one place by clicking here.
Finally, we want this show to be interactive, so if you have a question you'd like us to answer next week please leave that as a comment or e-mail me at neherbst@hotmail.com and we'll try to get around to it on air. Thanks a ton and tune in again next week at the same time! Get the show MP3's below!
NOTE: Some of the MP3 links in past shows won't work so search for the title of the show you want to listen to here: http://eternityimpact.sermon.tv
God's Relationship to Time
Why You can Trust the Bible - An Interview with Kyle Kostreva
Why go to Church?
Tolerance Revisited
Jesus' Uniqueness: His Character and Teachings
Celebrating the 4th of July in 2013
Replay: From Islam to Christianity
The Efficacy of Prayer (a rebuttal of the atheist's assertion of the inefficacy of prayer)
2013 Father's Day
Intellectual Emptiness of Atheism
2013 Crush Fear Student Testimonies
The Lack of Transitionary Evidence for Evolution
Freedom from Bondage, an interview with Rick Williams
Reject TALL TALES and Believe BEST FACTS
New Testament Canon (and a few relevant news items)
Apologetics Reading List
The Problem of Pain, Suffering and Evil
God and Nature
Does Religion Poison Everything / What About the Evils of Christianity?
Historical Evidence for the Resurrection
Show 100 - Historical, Extra-Biblical Evidence for Christ
Replay: Messianic Prophecy, Science in the OT and More - Oswalt Interview Pt. 2
Replay: The Uniqueness of the Old Testament - Oswalt Interview Pt. 1
Religious Exclusivism
Is Marijuana OK for Christians?
Science in the Bible
Taking the Step the Evidence Leads to
The Battle Between Faith and Reason
Sanctity of Life Sunday
Amazing Prophecies in Scripture
2012 - The Year in Review
Replay: Evidence for Christmas (an interview with Dr. Gary Habermas and Dr. Craig Blomberg)
The End of The Mayan Apocalypse Prophecy
Philosophical Arguments for God
Experiential Evidence for Christ
Problems with Atheism
Thanksgiving 2012
Post Election Hope
I'm Voting For ...
10 Values to Vote On
Why Vote?
Dr. Edgar Andrews Interview Part 1 - Science and Faith
Dr. Edgar Andrews Interview Pt. 2 - Creation, Evolution, Science and Faith in Jesus
The TALL TALES Negative Apologetics Acronym
Replay: The Historical Jesus, Da Vinci Code, Bart Ehrman & more - An Interview with Dr. Ben Witherington
What About Q?
Mormonism Defined
The Top 10 Reasons to Follow Jesus
Campus Lies
True Stories in the Bible
Clearing Up Misconceptions about Christianity
Common Questions Answered
Critical Thinking
The Tragedy in Aurora and the Problem of Pain and Evil
A Comparison of World Religions
Secular Humanism Debunked
2012 Fourth of July Special
From Islam to Christianity
2012 God Solution Father's Day Special
Replay: The Truth About Heaven
Replay: The Truth About Hell
Messianic Prophecy, Science in the OT and More - Oswalt Interview Pt. 2The Uniqueness of the Old Testament - Oswalt Interview Pt. 1
Liar, Lunatic, Lord or Something Different?
What Scripture Really Says About Women - An Interview with Dr. Ben Witherington
Is the Bible Myth?
Easter with Habermas!
The BEST FACTS (an acronym for remembering how to defend your faith)
Old Earth or Young Earth?
Separation of Church and State
The Greatest Revolutionary
Messianic Prophecies that can't be Ignored
Finding Your Passion and Purpose
The Best Sex Ever (A valentine's day God Solution special)
Habermas, Witherington, Blomberg and Groothuis Discuss Academic Trends
Worldview Evaluation
Neo-Paganism and New Age Spirituality
Christian Apologetics - An Interview with Dr. Doug Groothuis
The Historical Jesus, Da Vinci Code, Bart Ehrman & more - An Interview with Dr. Ben Witherington
2011 - The Year in Review!
Evidence for Christmas (an interview with Dr. Gary Habermas and Dr. Craig Blomberg)
Christmas Hope
The International Voice of the Orphan
Debunking the Top 20 Reasons to Reject Christianity Pt. 1
Debunking the Top 20 Reasons to Reject Christianity Pt. 2
Thanksgiving Thoughts
Society's Sea of Lies
Jesus & the Occupy Movement
Religious Pluralism
Evolutionary Biologist Defends Creation
Evolution or Intelligent Design?
A Good Moral Teacher?
True Tolerance and Diversity
Palestinian Peace or Israeli Security?
An interview with Eli Stewart
Trust, Faith, Science and Skepticism
Dealing with Doubt
Are the Gospels Myth or Reality - An interview with Dr. Craig Blomberg
Flew, The Problem of Pain and Doubt - Dr. Gary Habermas Interview Pt. 2
Evidence for the Resurrection - Habermas Interview Pt. 1
Busting the Abortion Industry - An interview with Lila Rose
New Age or Ancient Truth - An Interview with Dr. Douglas Groothuis
Defeating Sex Slavery
The Truth About Heaven
The Truth About Hell
Why Trust Jesus
The Father Heart of God
Living Fearlessly
Crush Fear students share snapshots of God!
Why you can trust the New Testament - Sorry, this MP3 is missing!
Ignorance Interrupted - A Review of Jesus Interrupted and Bart Ehrman
Perspective on Osama Bin Laden and Current Events
The Big Bang
Irrefutable Evidence for Easter!
Unity in the City!
5 Reasons Naturalism Fails.
Religion, Spirituality and Christianity.
Is That True?
The Crisis in Japan and the Problem of Pain.
Lies You'll Hear.