Monday, August 23, 2010

Servant evangelism ideas!

This week will be a big one here - it is freshmen move-in week. Serving often opens a great door to evangelism and is a great way to be intentional about sharing your faith. It isn't, however, necessary! Let me clarify. Christians have often bought into the lie that we must validate the gospel (check out the top 10 lies Christians believe about evangelism). It isn't necessary, Christ validated the gospel at Calvary and He alone changes peoples' hearts today but serving others can be one more creative and thoughtful tool you can use for getting into the gospel. With that in mind, the idea for this week is to serve someone in a creative way and use that to share the gospel with them. Here is a comprehensive list of servant evangelism ideas. We will be doing the freshmen move-in, helping the new freshmen move into the dorms, we'll be taking out their trash and helping to keep the dorms clean and we'll also be doing free dinners most every night this week. These will be opportunities to meet these new students where they are at. If we leave it there, though, it will be a loss. We must be intentional about sharing the Good News with those we serve. I hope you have a blast applying one of the servant evangelism ideas from the list linked above. Finally, please be praying for us this week as it is a huge week on campus! Please post your stories as comments to this post! Have a great day sharing your faith and check out the short video below that shows some of the servant evangelism things we do, along with the rest of the ministry activities we do to reach students for Christ!

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