Monday, November 15, 2010

Just Released

After thirteen years of leading Bible studies, I am still blown away by the incredible growth that happens in the context of small groups. To see the God of the universe changing women from the inside out is quite amazing. And yet I have also craved to see women be affected to the point of action, getting involved in the mission that God has called them to. Daniel 11:32 says, “those that know their God will display strength and take action.”

This is why I wrote Beholding Him, Becoming Missional: Awakening to the Mission Through the Study of First Samuel, to offer women the opportunity to behold the King and be transformed into living uniquely purposeful and missional lives. By the end of the study, women will walk away with minds and hearts that have been transformed through an intimate relationship with the King, and lives uniquely reflecting the King’s heart and mission for the world.

The twelve week study has a “come alongside and let’s do life together” flavor and feel, written in a relational and relevant way. I share stories of victories and defeats, successes and embarrassments reflecting what other women may be going through. These stories are fitting since First Samuel is packed full of relevant stories—stories of people bravely living out God’s heart and passion, stories of utter failure and embarrassment, stories of redemption, victory, and partnering with others to live out God’s very heart.

Beholding Him, Becoming Missional is for individual or group use and set up in two sections. The first six weeks will move women into a more authentic relationship with God. The second six weeks move them to the point of action, of living on purpose for the glory of God, reflecting His heart for the world. The questions are designed to engage the heart, where transformation can take place, leading ladies into living missionally.

Buy the study at:
Proceeds from the book go to organizations like Women at Risk to rescue girls from the sex trade.

Laura Krokos
Master Plan Denver Staff

“It is from personal experience that I understand what this world and culture has in mind for women today. The standard is mediocrity, powerlessness as a women and dimness in purpose. Laura’s Bible study is the perfect, most needed antidote that I can think of. Her study inspires me as a woman to take bold, thrilling risks for God, to seek purpose in my existence and to pursue ambition with a brave heart! Her study is radically unique and refreshing in a day and age where women are daily placed by the media in roles that foster disrespect and depleted standards. Why is her study valuable? It is through the investigation of 1 Samuel that her readers begin to understand that they are placed on Earth for a purpose. There is no mistaking it. Their creator has a plan for them and with every ounce of His strength He will pursue and love them. This is a message that is rarely, if ever, taught to women my age. This study is intellectual, organized, action-oriented and intent in growing a generation to a place of significance and worth in the eyes of the Lord.”
Carly Decker
Sent by God to a closed country

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