Friday, November 5, 2010


Pr.28:1 says, "The wicked man flees though no one pursues, but the righteous are as bold as a lion." The natural condition for the Christian should be boldness. The Holy Spirit in you and me is not timid or shy and He doesn't struggle with a lack of boldness. I lose His boldness a variety of different ways but ultimately it is stolen by our enemy whose chief objective is to steal, kill and destroy (Jn.10:10). Taking a stand can and will be hard but never impossible. Our goal is to share the Good News boldly (Eph.6:19-20). I wanted to mention one huge obstacle that I believe is destroying men, women and families in the church and completely eliminating the boldness God has created each one of us to walk in. That issue is porn. The stats about porn in the church are unbelievable: 80 - 90% of Christian men struggle with porn (and those stats are on the lower end of reality), more than half of all pastors struggle with porn in some capacity and the result is that Christian men have become effectively emasculated and now walk in cowardice and fear in all areas of life, including evangelism. Their families, churches and communities are all hurting as a result. If we are ever going to win our country for Christ we need to get a handle on this issue. I think it is one of the biggest reasons men don't share their faith. The encouragement for today is to listen to the MP3 below on beating porn and share it with anyone and everyone - you can't guess who is or isn't struggling with this issue. I truly believe that if we'll hit this issue head on, men will get victory and begin living lives of bold evangelism. If you happen to live near Durango, Colorado please join us for our men's retreat Dec.3-5 which will focus on the theme of being Confident, Bold and Strong. Get more info on the men's retreat here and get more accountability resources here. I am confident that as men get victory in this area they will become lions, bold and fearless in sharing their faith. Have a great day sharing your faith and enjoy and share the MP3 below. 

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