Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Dead life - January 29th, 2009

Rom.7:1 - “Do you not know, brothers - for I am speaking to men who know the law - that the law has authority over a man only as long as he lives?” The very law that was intended to bring life brought death (Rom.7:10) because the only way to be freed from the requirements of the law, which no one is capable of living up to (Rom.3:20) is to die, thus agreeing that the law is right and that sin leads to death (Rom.6:23). By bringing me to the end of myself the law brings death in order to bring life (Gal.2:20), because the whole point of the law is to show me my need for a Savior (Rom.3:20 again). So the law was intended to bring life and it does but it does so by first killing me, the “self” which prevents life, in order to bring true life (Lk.9:23), and that is where the abundant life is finally realized (Jn.10:10).

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