Sunday, February 6, 2011

Superbowl Evangelism Ideas

Check out our "post game analysis" hereget all the commercials here and watch the Super Bowl highlights here.Everyone is getting excited about the Superbowl. We are at a retreat and I'm posting this from my phone so I'll keep this short. Several ideas come to mind for sharing your faith today.1. Throw a party. You could either have people over or join them elsewhere. Wherever you end up, the more people you're with the more opportunities you'll have. 2. If Rothlisberger's problems with the law come up in conversation, make that an opportunity to share the Good News. 3. Share Tony Dungee's testimony. watch his testimony below this post. 4. Be ready to start a conversation based on any commercial you see that could transition to the gospel. You could also ask people what they thought about Tebow's commercial last year. 5. Ask what they think about Tebow - especially all of you in Colorado. Bring up his faith as a transition topic. Whatever you do today, ask God for opportunities and then be ready to share. Please post any Superbowl evangelism ideas you have as well. Have a GREAT day!

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