Thursday, November 25, 2010

4 Thanksgiving Evangelism Ideas!

Happy Thanksgiving!!! I am so excited I can hardly believe it's here. Thanksgiving is definitely a favorite in our house. It is also an opportunity to share the Good News with family, friends and anyone you might cross paths with today. Below are a few ideas for how to do just that but before going any further I want to tell you that we are thankful for your friendship and role in this ministry (whether you're one of the students, or pray for us, or support us, or just read the blog); thank you! Now back to those evangelism ideas.

First, send out a few messages to friends and/or family that aren't with you today. You could do this via e-mail, facebook, text message or phone call. Tell them Happy Thanksgiving and then mention that today you are thankful for all God's blessings in your life, including them. Finish by telling them God loves them dearly. This will be a kind message that will bring up a spiritual conversation with that loved one.

Similar to that idea is the second idea. Put what your thankful for (specifically Jesus) on your facebook or other social network status. That will be a witness to everyone of your online friends today! Here's my example (and if we're not yet facebook friends, click here!):

Third, share a similar message at dinner today with any friends and family that happen to be with you. Before getting started, mention what you are thankful for and mention first and foremost what Jesus did at the Cross so we could each have peace with God. Keep it short and sweet but don't miss this great opportunity to share. Also, check out this post on presenting the gospel naturally and quickly when you pray for the meal.

Fourth, if you'll be out and about, tell people you meet "Happy Thanksgiving," and then ask them what they're thankful for. You could also ask who they're thankful to. That will most likely open up an opportunity for you to share the same with them. Once again, bring it back to Jesus!

Remember the "Thanksgiving Party" story and idea we shared last week that will encourage you a ton. Those are just a few ideas but I want to encourage you to find more here ( Thanksgiving ideas). Also get their top 5 holiday evangelism ideas here and top 5 articles on sharing Christ with your family here. Click here fore 47 more easy evangelism ideas! Finally, please check out a few thoughts on Thanksgiving that Erin shared followed by some amazing student stories about what they're thankful for including putting their trust in Christ. Check that out below. Happy Thanksgiving!

Ps. 100 - "Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs. Know that the LORD is God. It is He who made us, and we are His; we are His people, the sheep of His pasture. Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the LORD is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations."

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